Appendix D: Lapses in Multiculturalism Program G&Cs

Fiscal Year

Year-End Authorities

Actual Spending

Spending as Percentage of Year-end Authorities

1999-00 $12,923,856 $12,913,787 99.9%
2000-01 $7,381,921 $6,525,141 88.4%
2001-02 $7,551,768 $7,451,281 98.7%
2002-03 $7,201,500 $7,200,158 100.0%
2003-04 $11,291,755 $11,208,955 99.3%
2004-05 $12,413,047 $12,356,212 99.5%
2005-06 $10,771,573 $10,492,122 97.4%
2006-07 $10,111,061 $9,255,864 91.5%
2007-08 $8,226,701 $7,121,785 86.6%
2008-09 $11,053,368 $4,147,619 37.5%
2009-10 $11,667,999 $4,205,565 36.0%
2010-11 $10,890,766 $6,829,468 62.7%

Appendix D - Graph

Source:  Data taken from table in Question Period House Card, Multiculturalism Program Storyline, 27 January 2011, with 2010-11 data supplemented by CIC Main Estimates and Evaluations of the Multiculturalism Program and Canada’s Action Plan Against Racism (CAPAR). This only refers to core multiculturalism program G&C funding; as part of CAPAR, additional funds were appropriated for multiculturalism G&Cs (enhancement funding of around $5 million, if memory serves me correctly). As it happened, program spending never used any of these ‘enhancement’ funds which were reallocated, largely to meet Canadian Heritage expenditure reduction commitments. Current G&C funding for multiculturalism is $8.6 million (Reports on Plans and Priorities for 2012–2013).

Given that a number of earlier approved projects involved multi-year funding, the impact of the high refusal rates starting in 2007 and continuing on through 2009 only started to impact expenditures in the fiscal year 2008-09. There was a similar lag following the announcement of the new multiculturalism G&C program, Inter-Action, in June 2010.


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